Indie 66

Audio Broadcasting E-Radio
  •  9/14/2018 09:24 AM

This is a blog about a Radio Station that offers air time to Indie Artists on the radio.

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Take a sneak peak at Indie Radio Music
  •  3/27/2018 09:24 AM

We're an independent, creative Radio station that looks beyond the confines of four walls and considers the overall Music world.

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The Great Project become a Donor help Give Back
  •  9/14/2016 08:00 PM

Raising funds for upcoming Artists, Musicians, Models, Poets, sculptors and all in the art community.

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Your Gig image
We are inventing a new web site where you, the promoter, the musician, the band, the artist can upload your Music, Art works, photos, videos and you the user can share your media with others in this community, people then can like and comment on your works that are uploaded. You can post information on your web page about upcoming events or your music gigs. Think just uploading is not enough?  We also added for you the option to have your music downloaded to others for a cost, you set the price we take no cut, just check out your profile page. You the artist can also share your personal blogs, news, photos and events that will be coming up; sharing them with the community fan base. The audience can also rate your music that is uploaded and this will help boost your popularity. We also included an area where you can upload your videos, FLV, AVI, Mpeg and You Tube. You maintain full control over all your media; plus we will help promote your music for free and some extras for a small fee.

 We also launched a radio station and will play one or more of your songs on this station; your music can be presented to us for possible broadcast through many outlets around the United States and the World, so others can enjoy your music. Please consider adding your works, we are a service for you; we plan on ventures in many areas within the art and music community taking Indie Music to new levels.

We are also working on distribution and promotions that will place your music everywhere around the globe and help you with great exposure within numerous radio stations and stores throughout the world.


Fill out the form below and we will get back to you with all the details

Upcoming Artist Vicky Chand

Upcoming Artist Vicky Chand

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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How To Make Extra Money

How To Make Extra Money

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Boost Your Income

Boost Your Income

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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  •  Radio Broadcasts 24/7